
Neuroscience basics and interesting books

Here are some resources that can be useful for lab members and anyone interested in systems neuroscience. 

  • Handbook of brain microcircuits by Shepherd, Gordon M, and Sten Grillner (link)
  • Principles of neuroscience by Eric Kandel, James Schwartz, Thomas Jessell, Steven Siegelbaum, A. J. Hudspeth (link)
  • How we age by Coleen T. Murphy (link)
  • Models of the mind by Grace W. Lindsay (link)
  • Methuselah's Zoo by Steven N. Austad (link)
  • Suggest more ...

How to?

Here is a list of resources that might be useful while preparing for a talk, journal club, or a fellowship application.

  • Prepare for a talk (link)
  • Prepare for a journal club (link)
  • Apply for the Simons Aging Brain Fellows to Faculty Award award (link)
  • Apply for faculty applications focusing on the considerations you would need applying to India (link). Note, this is not an "advice" document; it is just a list of reflections on what I heard during the application process. Please send a short note requesting access (who you are & where you are currently based), and I will happily share.
  • Do neuroscience: a rich resource documenting the diverse journeys of women in neuroscience (link)
  • Navigate grad school: with a focus on the NCBS academic journey (link)
  • Other useful links ...

Fellowships, awards, and grants 

Here is a list of fellowships, awards, and grants that might be relevant.

  • International list of independent postdoc fellowship in biology (link)
  • Ashoka University grants database (link)
  • Research Development Office - NCBS grants database primarily for Indian researchers (link)

Diversity, Equity, Inclusion 

Here is a list of resources that can help us understand where we are in our goal towards ensuring equitable access to education, and what we can do to change. 

  • Meet the Rebels of Indian STEM | Nandita Jayaraj | TEDxBangalore

  • ALBA Network Session on Bias in Indian STEM

  • Why is it still difficult to be a women in STEM in India by Shobhana Narasimhan

Also check out

  • Biaswatchindia (link): Documenting women representation and combating gender-biased panels in Indian Science conferences, meetings and talks.
  • The Life of Science (link): Science media platform focused on contemporary research and stories of scientific pursuit intersecting with various societal barriers in India.
  • ALBA (link): A network of brain scientists with the mission of promoting equity and diversity in the brain sciences.
  • IBRO (link): International Brain Research Organization is the global association of neuroscience societies.
  • Indian Academy of Neurosciences (IAN, link)
  • NeuroFemIndia (link): List of Indian women neuroscientists by IndSciComm.
  • Useful resources page from Vishwesha Guttal lab website (link)
  • Vividh: Diversity, Equity, Inclusivity and Accessibility in science in India by IndiaBioscience (link)

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